A quote recently stood out to me today and revealed a deep misunderstanding about the classic the quote, “The glass is half full!”.
Why I Made YComments
After becoming fascinated (and addicted) to online discussions such as; Reddit and Hacker News, I saw there was a missing connection between the article and the discussion around the article.
Scraping MyUni (Canvas LMS)
So it was time to study for uni exams, this meant that I needed to revise the content in all of the lectures. But wait! the lecture slides are only accessible through a convoluted website system called Canvas LMS.
- System only allows one pdf to downloaded at a time
- Each pdf requires 2 link clicks to download
- Too many mouse clicks:
40 pdf's * 2 links * 4 courses = 320 clicks!
🔗Solution: Scrape it
Analysis Of Delivery-Only Restaurants
The fast-food industry has changed radically in the recent years to keep up with technology in people’s pockets. Some restaurants are recognizing that tradtional services such as serving food may be redundant…
Discovering DELIVERY-ONLY pizza
We ordered a pizza from a new pizza place in Adelaide. It seems like we discovered a thing called a Delivery-Only resturant …
Does Hacker News use Dark Patterns?
Hacker News has a wonderful minimalistic user interface that welcomes its users when they arrive. However this interface may have some devious advertisements hidden within them.
Don't ALWAYS quick-return from functions
There are two main styles of returning from a function in a program. Both styles are almost diametrically-opposed, but have their uses.
Model Solutions on Reality NOT Technology
Technology is developed in order to solve a problem. The problem is defined in the real world so the solution should endevour to solve the problem based on a model of reality, not the model of technology.
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Transparent Governments With Opaque Software
Most people cringe at the thought of viewing or using government websites. It seems they’re always light years behind the industry in terms of standards and technology. It’s one of the biggest gaps between the private sector and the public sector, but why is this?